Senior lecturer

Dr. Dorit Lemberger


    Books: (English)

    1. A Red Rose in the Dark: Self-Constitution through the Poetic Language of Zelda, Amichai, Kosman, and Adaf.Brighton MA: Academic Studies press, 2016 (403 p) 
    2. (Hebrew version) A Red Rose in the Dark: Self-Constitution through the Poetic Language of Zelda, Amichai, Kosman, and Adaf. Jerusalem: Carmel, 2017 
    3. The Soul Beetle: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Psychoanalysis. (ed. & preface & chapter). Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2020 (582 p)
    4. Psychoanalytic Investigations in Philosophy: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Current Existential Challenges(ed. & preface & chapter). New-York: Routledge (in press)
    5. Pragmatic-Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Amos Oz Writings: Words Significantly Uttered. Lexington Press, Jewish Literature Studies (in press)


    Chapters in Books:

    1. Depth Grammar and Surface Grammar of Religious Belief", in: Winfried Loffler and Paul Weingartner (eds.) Knowledge and Belief, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Volume XI, 2003, pp. 202-204.
    2.  “Experiencing the Meaning of a Word”, in: Maria Reicher & Johann Marek (eds.) Experience and Analysis, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Volume XII, 2004, pp. 200-202
    3. "Words are (also) Deeds: The Language of Zelda", in: On Belief. Eds. Moshe Halbertal, David Kurtzweil & Avi Sagi, 2005, pp. 556-577.
    4. "Between 'The Shirt and the Stripes' and 'The Story of a Life': Self-Constitution through Speech-Acts", in: Twenty-four Readings in Aharon Appelfeld' – Literary Works. Avi Sagi & Avidov Lipsker (eds.). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 2011, pp. 85-116.
    5. "My desire for the living God hath constrained me": Belief as Unfulfilled Desire in the Writings of Rabbi Judah Halevi", in: Faith: Jewish Perspectives. Avi Sagi & Dov Schwartz (eds.). Boston: Academic studies press, 2013, pp. 418-456.
    6. "When Picture and Application Clash: The Paradox of Observation", in: Daniele Moyal-Sharock, Volker Munz, Analisa Coliva (eds.), Mind, Language and Action, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 2013, Vol. XXI: 230-232.
    7. Proceedings of ICLLS 2015, "Variations of Metaphors: Wittgenstein's Contribution to Literary Studies", 2015, pp. 548-554.
    8. "Pragmatism and Universalism in the Language of The Kuzari", in: The Poetry of Philosophy - Studies on the Thought of R. Yehuda HaleviDov Schwartz (ed.), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 2016, pp. 123-150.
    9. "The Dialectic of Desire in Judah Halevi's Language", The Poetry of Philosophy - Studies on the Thought of R. Yehuda HaleviDov Schwartz (ed.), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 2016, pp. 47-68.
    10. "Self-knowledge and self-constitution in The Emergence of Ethical Man: The Pragmatic Nature of individual Choice", NY & Ramat-Gan: Yeshiva University & bar-Ilan University, 2017, pp. 43-62.
    11. "Dialogue with the Other in the poetry of Yehuda Amichai and Paul Celan", in: Culture and Cultural Criticism, Bar-Ilan University, 2017, pp. 33-62.
    12. “'Love is a curious mixture of opposites': The Symbolic Function of Language in Psychoanalysis and Its Use in a Study of Amos Oz’s A Tale of Love and Darkness”, The Soul Beetle: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Psychoanalysis.  Tel-Aviv: Resling2020, pp. 17-52.
    13. "In the darkness of this time: Wittgenstein and Freud on uncertainty", in: Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Resilience During the Pandemic Period - Anthropological and Psychological Perspectives, Fabio Gabrielli (ed.), DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.98381, 2021, pp. 1-16.
    14. 2022, "Imagination in Wittgenstein's writings", Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 2022 (in press).

    Refereed Articles:

    1. "Between Theology as Grammar and Religious Point of View in Wittgenstein Philosophy of Religion", Iyyun52, 2003, pp. 399-424. 
    2. "Targilim Be-Ivrit Shimushit: Between Pagis and Wittgenstein, Moznaim 78, 2004, pp. 40-44.
    3. Review and Thoughts following Low and culture by Menachem Moutner, Mechkarey Mishpat 25:3Bar-Ilan University, 2009, pp. 929-942.
    4. "(My) Doubts Form a System: Wittgenstein's linguistic Study as Hermeneutics", Bikoret Upharshanut 42, Bar-Ilan University, 2010, pp. 115-136. 
    5. "Reconstitution of the Subject in Yehuda Amichai's Open Closed Open", Hebrew Higher Education 15, 2013, pp. 131-159.
    6. "Contacts and Discontinuities:  Changing-Aspects in Shimon Adaf's Work", Hebrew Studies 55, 2014, pp.  201-228
    7. *"Questioning Boundaries of Language and World: Ambivalence and Disillusionment in the Work of Shimon Adaf", Hebrew Studies 56, 2015, pp. 201-230.
    8. "Dialogical Grammar: Variations of Dialogue in Wittgenstein's Methodology", Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal 3, 2015, pp. 158-174.
    9. "Literature as Symptom or Interpretation as Symptom?" (book review), Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature 28, 2016, pp. 255-259.
    10. "Wittgenstein’s “Lighting Up of an Aspect” and the Possibility of Change in Psychoanalytic Therapy", British Journal of Psychotherapy 33, 2, 2017, pp. 192–210.
    11. "The Black Star: Lived Paradoxes in the Poetry of Paul Celan", Humanities, 2017, 6(4), 100; doi: 10.3390/h6040100
    12. "The Mystic Paradox in the Stories of R. Nahman of Bratslav: A Jamesian Overview", Tradition, 50:3, 2017, pp. 1-19.
    13. *"Bakhtin and Wittgenstein on Dialogue as a Methodological Concept and Theme", Journal of Dialogue Studies6, 2019, pp. 37-54.
    14.  “‘The Dark-houred Clock’: Embodiment and Abstraction in Celan’s Poetry”. Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, Vol. 226, no. 5, 2019, pp. 144-160.
    15. "The function of the 'face' as a conceptual metaphor in Levinas's ethics", Judaica Petropolitana 11, 2019, pp. 104-125.
    16. "'I am in some way my child': A study, inspired by Levinas, of the stages in the development of an ethical stance in David Grossman's works for young readers", Criticism and Interpretation 46, 2020, pp. 275-300.
    17. “Like a Battering-Ram”: The Place of Language in Levinas’s Thought", Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts, 7, 2020, pp. 1-21.
    18. “With A Changing Key”: Translatability and Untranslatability in Celan’s Poetic Language: A Wittgenstein an Overview, American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development, 2: 7, 2020, pp. 23-33.
    19. "Traces of my happiness's gaze": Between language as a theme and language as a method in Shimon Adaf's prose, Mikan, 21, 2021, Ben-Gurion University, pp. 87-113.


    באמצעי התקשורת

    Supervision of Graduate Students

    1. 2014, Yuval Gozansky, The Transformation of the Concept of Childhood  in the Israeli Television for Children: Creativity as a Test Case (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    2. 2014, Shlomit Gadot, Psychoanalysis, Language and Linguistic Methodology: Translation between Languages of Truth (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    3. 2015, Shlomo Zlotnik, Focus Hermeneutical Approach for Temporary Psychoanalysis (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    4. 2015, Irit Ben-Atar Cohen – The Body in Psychoanalysis (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    5. 2015, Amitzur Cahana - Changes of Kibbutz Identity: A Philosophical- Literary Study (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    6. 2016, Naftali Israeli, Language, Experience and Emotion: Interrelations (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    7. 2016, Roni Carmeli, Paradox, Game and Language in Wittgenstein, Winnicott and Lacan (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    8. 2016, Inbal Reshef,   The Unkown in Poetic Text: Science Fiction as Case Study

                (with Prof. Avi Sagi)

    1. 2016, Daniel Sack, Selfhood: Between Dominance and Affiliation (with Prof. Dov Schwartz)
    2. 2016, Tzvi Cohen, Transitions between Social Structures and their Influence on Establishing and Expressing the Self (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    3. 2016, Michal Tal, The double-experience in literature from psychoanalytic and linguistic-literary perspectives (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    4. 2016, Yair Avigdor, Conceptual Models Based on Theories of Utopia, Gap and Desire as a Platform for Design In the Urban Realm (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    5. 2016, Alice Bar Nes, The Predicament of the In-Between: Mysticism and Pragmatism in Psychoanalysis (with Prof. Avi Sagi) 
    6. 2016, Amir Klugman, A Speaking Body and Private Language in the Work of David Grossman: a Philosophical, Psychoanalytic and literary Discussion (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    7. 2016, Riva Altman, Br-other: Siblings Relations and Their Influences on the Subject from interdisciplinary Perspectives (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    8. 2016, Irit Paz-Kleiner, I-YOU-WE: Monologue and Dialogue in Couples Relationship Discourse (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    9. 2016, Omri Bichovski, The Symptom as a Solution to the Problem of Intersubjectivity 
    10. 2016, Daniel Reifman, The Use of Rationales in Halakhic Adjudication: A Semiotic Approach (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
    11. 2017, Tair Caspi, Metaphors in Psychoanalysis 
    12. 2017, Ada Weinstein, Spontaneity and creativity as a Therapeutic Tool – Psychoanalytic Reading of Biblical and Rabbinic Literature (with Prof. Hananel Mack)
    13. 2018, Orin Segal, self-dissolution following physical injury and chronic illness: psychological and philosophical aspect
    14. 2018, Shinar Pinkas, Somatic aspects of transference dynamics in the psychoanalytic treatment  
    15. 2018, Nir Sofer-Dudek, To Say the Ineffable: A Philosophical Reading of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Based on the Writings of Wittgenstein and Bion 
    16.  2018, Lior Granot, How Does Bibliotheray Cure? Healing Qualities of Different Literary-Therapeutic Practices in Bibliotherapeutic Treatment Psychoanalytical-Literary Study 
    17. 2019, Poria Gal-Getz, Confessing Toward Self Cohesion in Contemporary Culture 
    18.  2019, Irit Hagai, Towards a New Understanding of the Autistic Semiotic Experience: Who is the Person in the Room? 
    19. 2019, Ilan Reisinger, The Graphic Sign: from Mental Object to Visual Symbol: Linguistic-Pragmatic Research 
    20. 2020, Zehorit Asulin- Simhon, Between the particular and the universal: Translating as a path to subjectivity in psychoanalysis
    21. 2020, Shiri Raz, The Flash of the Happy and the Flash of the Unhappy: Psychoanalytic and linguistic aspects of the subject’s Psychic attitudes, In relation to eating animal food products
    22.  2020, Tamar Kichli-Borochovski, Unconscious Family Patterns: Literary and Psychoanalytic Research
    23. 2020, Naomi Pines-Cahani - The French School of Psychoanalysis and the Philosophical Discourse, 1960-1980
    24. 2021, Hana Somech, Silence: Philosophical, Psychoanalytical and Literary Perspectives
    25. 2021, Ariel Yizhar, Death and Life in the language on sexuality: The Primal Scene as Model for Constitution of Sexuality and Gender in Psychoanalysis and literature: Male Sexuality as Case Study
    26. 2021, Tom Hadani-Nave, Where do the languages of literature and psychoanalysis meet? On the use of literary works in psychoanalytic language
    27. 2022, Ophira Schor-Levi, Separation and Separateness: A Psychoanalytic-Literary-Linguistic Study
    28. 2022, Sharon Strusburg, "Someone to Play With" - Symbolization Processes: Psychoanalytic, Literary and Linguistic Aspects
    29.  2022, Dana Prop, Folded Vessels and Pains – A Psychoanalytic Literary Study of Processes of Projection and Internalization within the Family
    30. 2022, Tali Sella, "Look into the Depths within Yourself and Find the Outside World": A Dialogue between Rudolf Steiner’s Thinking and Psychoanalysis
    31. 2022, Ruti Kaplan-Zarchi, The Language of Anorexia: Semiotic, Symbolic and Metaphorical Features In the Language of Anorectics
    32. 2022, Alice Maya Keinan, The relational subject "in-between" subjectivity and intersubjectivity: The contribution of Buber and Wittgenstien to relational psychoanalysis 

    Last Updated Date : 07/08/2023