Senior lecturer
Dr. Dorit Lemberger
Books: (English)
- A Red Rose in the Dark: Self-Constitution through the Poetic Language of Zelda, Amichai, Kosman, and Adaf.Brighton MA: Academic Studies press, 2016 (403 p)
- (Hebrew version) A Red Rose in the Dark: Self-Constitution through the Poetic Language of Zelda, Amichai, Kosman, and Adaf. Jerusalem: Carmel, 2017
- The Soul Beetle: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Psychoanalysis. (ed. & preface & chapter). Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2020 (582 p)
- Psychoanalytic Investigations in Philosophy: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Current Existential Challenges(ed. & preface & chapter). New-York: Routledge (in press)
- Pragmatic-Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Amos Oz Writings: Words Significantly Uttered. Lexington Press, Jewish Literature Studies (in press)
Chapters in Books:
- Depth Grammar and Surface Grammar of Religious Belief", in: Winfried Loffler and Paul Weingartner (eds.) Knowledge and Belief, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Volume XI, 2003, pp. 202-204.
- “Experiencing the Meaning of a Word”, in: Maria Reicher & Johann Marek (eds.) Experience and Analysis, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Volume XII, 2004, pp. 200-202
- "Words are (also) Deeds: The Language of Zelda", in: On Belief. Eds. Moshe Halbertal, David Kurtzweil & Avi Sagi, 2005, pp. 556-577.
- "Between 'The Shirt and the Stripes' and 'The Story of a Life': Self-Constitution through Speech-Acts", in: Twenty-four Readings in Aharon Appelfeld' – Literary Works. Avi Sagi & Avidov Lipsker (eds.). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 2011, pp. 85-116.
- "My desire for the living God hath constrained me": Belief as Unfulfilled Desire in the Writings of Rabbi Judah Halevi", in: Faith: Jewish Perspectives. Avi Sagi & Dov Schwartz (eds.). Boston: Academic studies press, 2013, pp. 418-456.
- "When Picture and Application Clash: The Paradox of Observation", in: Daniele Moyal-Sharock, Volker Munz, Analisa Coliva (eds.), Mind, Language and Action, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 2013, Vol. XXI: 230-232.
- Proceedings of ICLLS 2015, "Variations of Metaphors: Wittgenstein's Contribution to Literary Studies", 2015, pp. 548-554.
- "Pragmatism and Universalism in the Language of The Kuzari", in: The Poetry of Philosophy - Studies on the Thought of R. Yehuda Halevi, Dov Schwartz (ed.), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 2016, pp. 123-150.
- "The Dialectic of Desire in Judah Halevi's Language", The Poetry of Philosophy - Studies on the Thought of R. Yehuda Halevi, Dov Schwartz (ed.), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 2016, pp. 47-68.
- "Self-knowledge and self-constitution in The Emergence of Ethical Man: The Pragmatic Nature of individual Choice", NY & Ramat-Gan: Yeshiva University & bar-Ilan University, 2017, pp. 43-62.
- "Dialogue with the Other in the poetry of Yehuda Amichai and Paul Celan", in: Culture and Cultural Criticism, Bar-Ilan University, 2017, pp. 33-62.
- “'Love is a curious mixture of opposites': The Symbolic Function of Language in Psychoanalysis and Its Use in a Study of Amos Oz’s A Tale of Love and Darkness”, The Soul Beetle: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Psychoanalysis. Tel-Aviv: Resling, 2020, pp. 17-52.
- "In the darkness of this time: Wittgenstein and Freud on uncertainty", in: Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Resilience During the Pandemic Period - Anthropological and Psychological Perspectives, Fabio Gabrielli (ed.), DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.98381, 2021, pp. 1-16.
- 2022, "Imagination in Wittgenstein's writings", Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 2022 (in press).
Refereed Articles:
- "Between Theology as Grammar and Religious Point of View in Wittgenstein Philosophy of Religion", Iyyun52, 2003, pp. 399-424.
- "Targilim Be-Ivrit Shimushit: Between Pagis and Wittgenstein, Moznaim 78, 2004, pp. 40-44.
- Review and Thoughts following Low and culture by Menachem Moutner, Mechkarey Mishpat 25:3, Bar-Ilan University, 2009, pp. 929-942.
- "(My) Doubts Form a System: Wittgenstein's linguistic Study as Hermeneutics", Bikoret Upharshanut 42, Bar-Ilan University, 2010, pp. 115-136.
- "Reconstitution of the Subject in Yehuda Amichai's Open Closed Open", Hebrew Higher Education 15, 2013, pp. 131-159.
- "Contacts and Discontinuities: Changing-Aspects in Shimon Adaf's Work", Hebrew Studies 55, 2014, pp. 201-228
- *"Questioning Boundaries of Language and World: Ambivalence and Disillusionment in the Work of Shimon Adaf", Hebrew Studies 56, 2015, pp. 201-230.
- "Dialogical Grammar: Variations of Dialogue in Wittgenstein's Methodology", Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal 3, 2015, pp. 158-174.
- "Literature as Symptom or Interpretation as Symptom?" (book review), Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature 28, 2016, pp. 255-259.
- "Wittgenstein’s “Lighting Up of an Aspect” and the Possibility of Change in Psychoanalytic Therapy", British Journal of Psychotherapy 33, 2, 2017, pp. 192–210.
- "The Black Star: Lived Paradoxes in the Poetry of Paul Celan", Humanities, 2017, 6(4), 100; doi: 10.3390/h6040100
- "The Mystic Paradox in the Stories of R. Nahman of Bratslav: A Jamesian Overview", Tradition, 50:3, 2017, pp. 1-19.
- *"Bakhtin and Wittgenstein on Dialogue as a Methodological Concept and Theme", Journal of Dialogue Studies6, 2019, pp. 37-54.
- “‘The Dark-houred Clock’: Embodiment and Abstraction in Celan’s Poetry”. Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, Vol. 226, no. 5, 2019, pp. 144-160.
- "The function of the 'face' as a conceptual metaphor in Levinas's ethics", Judaica Petropolitana 11, 2019, pp. 104-125.
- "'I am in some way my child': A study, inspired by Levinas, of the stages in the development of an ethical stance in David Grossman's works for young readers", Criticism and Interpretation 46, 2020, pp. 275-300.
- “Like a Battering-Ram”: The Place of Language in Levinas’s Thought", Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts, 7, 2020, pp. 1-21.
- “With A Changing Key”: Translatability and Untranslatability in Celan’s Poetic Language: A Wittgenstein an Overview, American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development, 2: 7, 2020, pp. 23-33.
- "Traces of my happiness's gaze": Between language as a theme and language as a method in Shimon Adaf's prose, Mikan, 21, 2021, Ben-Gurion University, pp. 87-113.
באמצעי התקשורת
Supervision of Graduate Students
- 2014, Yuval Gozansky, The Transformation of the Concept of Childhood in the Israeli Television for Children: Creativity as a Test Case (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2014, Shlomit Gadot, Psychoanalysis, Language and Linguistic Methodology: Translation between Languages of Truth (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2015, Shlomo Zlotnik, Focus Hermeneutical Approach for Temporary Psychoanalysis (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2015, Irit Ben-Atar Cohen – The Body in Psychoanalysis (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2015, Amitzur Cahana - Changes of Kibbutz Identity: A Philosophical- Literary Study (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Naftali Israeli, Language, Experience and Emotion: Interrelations (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Roni Carmeli, Paradox, Game and Language in Wittgenstein, Winnicott and Lacan (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Inbal Reshef, The Unkown in Poetic Text: Science Fiction as Case Study
(with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Daniel Sack, Selfhood: Between Dominance and Affiliation (with Prof. Dov Schwartz)
- 2016, Tzvi Cohen, Transitions between Social Structures and their Influence on Establishing and Expressing the Self (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Michal Tal, The double-experience in literature from psychoanalytic and linguistic-literary perspectives (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Yair Avigdor, Conceptual Models Based on Theories of Utopia, Gap and Desire as a Platform for Design In the Urban Realm (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Alice Bar Nes, The Predicament of the In-Between: Mysticism and Pragmatism in Psychoanalysis (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Amir Klugman, A Speaking Body and Private Language in the Work of David Grossman: a Philosophical, Psychoanalytic and literary Discussion (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Riva Altman, Br-other: Siblings Relations and Their Influences on the Subject from interdisciplinary Perspectives (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Irit Paz-Kleiner, I-YOU-WE: Monologue and Dialogue in Couples Relationship Discourse (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2016, Omri Bichovski, The Symptom as a Solution to the Problem of Intersubjectivity
- 2016, Daniel Reifman, The Use of Rationales in Halakhic Adjudication: A Semiotic Approach (with Prof. Avi Sagi)
- 2017, Tair Caspi, Metaphors in Psychoanalysis
- 2017, Ada Weinstein, Spontaneity and creativity as a Therapeutic Tool – Psychoanalytic Reading of Biblical and Rabbinic Literature (with Prof. Hananel Mack)
- 2018, Orin Segal, self-dissolution following physical injury and chronic illness: psychological and philosophical aspect
- 2018, Shinar Pinkas, Somatic aspects of transference dynamics in the psychoanalytic treatment
- 2018, Nir Sofer-Dudek, To Say the Ineffable: A Philosophical Reading of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Based on the Writings of Wittgenstein and Bion
- 2018, Lior Granot, How Does Bibliotheray Cure? Healing Qualities of Different Literary-Therapeutic Practices in Bibliotherapeutic Treatment Psychoanalytical-Literary Study
- 2019, Poria Gal-Getz, Confessing Toward Self Cohesion in Contemporary Culture
- 2019, Irit Hagai, Towards a New Understanding of the Autistic Semiotic Experience: Who is the Person in the Room?
- 2019, Ilan Reisinger, The Graphic Sign: from Mental Object to Visual Symbol: Linguistic-Pragmatic Research
- 2020, Zehorit Asulin- Simhon, Between the particular and the universal: Translating as a path to subjectivity in psychoanalysis
- 2020, Shiri Raz, The Flash of the Happy and the Flash of the Unhappy: Psychoanalytic and linguistic aspects of the subject’s Psychic attitudes, In relation to eating animal food products
- 2020, Tamar Kichli-Borochovski, Unconscious Family Patterns: Literary and Psychoanalytic Research
- 2020, Naomi Pines-Cahani - The French School of Psychoanalysis and the Philosophical Discourse, 1960-1980
- 2021, Hana Somech, Silence: Philosophical, Psychoanalytical and Literary Perspectives
- 2021, Ariel Yizhar, Death and Life in the language on sexuality: The Primal Scene as Model for Constitution of Sexuality and Gender in Psychoanalysis and literature: Male Sexuality as Case Study
- 2021, Tom Hadani-Nave, Where do the languages of literature and psychoanalysis meet? On the use of literary works in psychoanalytic language
- 2022, Ophira Schor-Levi, Separation and Separateness: A Psychoanalytic-Literary-Linguistic Study
- 2022, Sharon Strusburg, "Someone to Play With" - Symbolization Processes: Psychoanalytic, Literary and Linguistic Aspects
- 2022, Dana Prop, Folded Vessels and Pains – A Psychoanalytic Literary Study of Processes of Projection and Internalization within the Family
- 2022, Tali Sella, "Look into the Depths within Yourself and Find the Outside World": A Dialogue between Rudolf Steiner’s Thinking and Psychoanalysis
- 2022, Ruti Kaplan-Zarchi, The Language of Anorexia: Semiotic, Symbolic and Metaphorical Features In the Language of Anorectics
- 2022, Alice Maya Keinan, The relational subject "in-between" subjectivity and intersubjectivity: The contribution of Buber and Wittgenstien to relational psychoanalysis
Last Updated Date : 07/08/2023