Ella Klik is a lecturer in the Hermeneutics & Cultural Studies Program at Bar-Ilan University. As a media scholar, her research interests are interdisciplinary and range from histories of recording technologies to media theory, futurity, and digital aesthetics. Her research appeared in venues such as Memory Studies, Television & New Media, New Media & Society. She is currently working on her book manuscript titled Undoings: Erasure and Negative Media Theory. The book considers the material and economic conditions that introduce erasure into the design of recording media. Funded by the Azrieli Foundation, her next research project will critically explore emerging and speculative forms of data storage, not the least of which is in outer space.
In the past, Ella has held research positions in various academic institutions, including the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at the University of Southern California (in affiliation with Cinema and Media Studies at the School of New York University Shanghai, and the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna. She has earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University.
Last Updated Date : 05/12/2024